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Scientific names of 20 natural plants and animals

Scientific names of 20 natural plants and animals

Here are the scientific names of 20 natural plants and animals:

These scientific names are essential for accurately identifying and classifying various species within the scientific community.

The importance of scientific names of 20 natural plants and animals

in biological classification and communication cannot be overstated. These names provide a universal language that transcends regional and linguistic differences, ensuring that scientists can communicate clearly and effectively. By eliminating ambiguity and facilitating accurate identification, scientific names play a crucial role in research, conservation, and medicine. As our understanding of the natural world continues to grow, the use of standardized scientific names will remain essential for advancing knowledge and preserving biodiversity

Scientific names of 20 natural plants and animals are used and recognized globally, facilitating international collaboration and communication among scientists. This universal understanding is crucial for advancing scientific research and conservation efforts. For example, researchers studying the endangered species Panthera tigris (tiger) can be certain they are discussing the same animal, regardless of their native language.

Accurate Identification

The precise nature of scientific names allows for accurate identification of species. This is especially important in fields such as medicine, agriculture, and environmental science, where misidentification can have serious consequences. For instance, the medicinal plant Digitalis purpurea, known commonly as foxglove, contains potent compounds used in heart medications. Accurate identification is essential to ensure the correct species is used for medicinal purposes.



Scientific names of 20 natural plants and animals
LavenderLavandula angustifolia
EucalyptusEucalyptus globulus
Sandalwood TreeSantalum album
Coffee PlantCoffea arabica
Tea PlantCamellia sinensis
JasmineJasminum sambac
Papaya TreeCarica papaya
Cotton PlantGossypium hirsutum
Aloe VeraAloe barbadensis miller
Banana PlantMusa paradisiaca
Coconut TreeCocos nucifera
RoseRosa indica
Peepal TreeFicus religiosa
Sunflower Helianthus annuus
Tulsi (Holy Basil)Ocimum tenuiflorum
Banyan TreeFicus benghalensis
Neem Azadirachta indica
MintMentha spicata
MangoMangifera indica

Scientific names of Animals

DolphinDelphinus delphis
ChimpanzeePan troglodytes
Polar BearUrsus maritimus
Saltwater Crocodile –Crocodylus porosus
Indian Peafowl (Peacock)Pavo cristatus
Red PandaAilurus fulgens
Snow LeopardPanthera uncia
. Bengal TigerPanthera tigris tigris
African Grey ParrotPsittacus erithacus
Great White SharkCarcharodon carcharias
HippopotamusHippopotamus amphibius
Komodo DragonVaranus komodoensis
King CobraOphiophagus hannah
KoalaPhascolarctos cinereus
Giant PandaAiluropoda melanoleuca
Bald EagleHaliaeetus leucocephalus
Blue WhaleBalaenoptera musculus
ElephantElephas maximus(Asian Elephant), Loxodonta africana(African Elephant)
LionPanthera leo
TigerPanthera tigris
Scientific names of 20 natural plants and animals

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