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Grammar errors with their solutions explored

Grammar errors with their solutions

Here are 50 probable grammar errors with their solutions, aimed at helping you prepare for an government jobs:


English Grammar errors with their solutions might not always be the most exciting topic, but it’s an essential part of our education system. Grammar forms the backbone of effective communication, and understanding it is crucial for both academic and professional success. Let’s dive into why mastering grammar is so important and how it impacts various aspects of our lives.

What is English Grammar?

Grammar is the set of rules that governs how words and sentences are structured in a language. It includes components like syntax, punctuation, and morphology. Historically, grammar has been a cornerstone of language learning, evolving over centuries to help us communicate clearly and accurately.

The Role of Grammar in Language Acquisition

Grammar serves as the foundation for understanding and using a language effectively. When we learn a new language, mastering grammar helps us construct sentences that others can easily understand. This foundational knowledge also supports cognitive development by enhancing our ability to process and organize information.

Grammar and Academic Success in Grammar errors with their solutions

In the academic world, grammar is crucial for developing strong writing skills. Proper grammar helps students articulate their ideas clearly, leading to better essays, reports, and research papers. Additionally, a solid grasp of grammar improves reading comprehension by allowing students to decode and understand complex texts.

1. Error: She don’t like chocolate.
Solution: She doesn’t like chocolate.

2. Error: He is more smarter than his brother.
Solution: He is smarter than his brother.

3. Error: Everyone are ready for the meeting.
Solution: Everyone is ready for the meeting.

4. Error: I seen her at the mall yesterday.
Solution: I saw her at the mall yesterday.

5. Error: They has finished their homework.
Solution: They have finished their homework.

6. Error: The dog wagged it’s tail.
Solution: The dog wagged its tail.

7. Error: Each of the students have a laptop.
Solution: Each of the students has a laptop.

8. Error: I could of gone to the party.
Solution: I could have gone to the party.

9. Error: He did good on the test.
Solution: He did well on the test.

10. Error: There going to the movies.
Solution: They’re going to the movies.

11. Error: She was looking for her glasses for two hours.
Solution: She had been looking for her glasses for two hours.

12. Error: He don’t know how to drive.
Solution: He doesn’t know how to drive.

13.Error: If I was you, I would apologize.
Solution: If I were you, I would apologize.

14. Error: The book, which I bought yesterday is interesting.
Solution: The book, which I bought yesterday, is interesting.

15. Error: He is taller then his sister.
Solution: He is taller than his sister.

16. Error: Its raining outside.
Solution: It’s raining outside.

17. Error: He drives careful.
Solution: He drives carefully.

18. Error: She and him went to the store.
Solution: She and he went to the store.

19. Error: Between you and I, he’s wrong.
Solution: Between you and me, he’s wrong.

20. Error: He works as a accountant.
Solution: He works as an accountant.

21. Error: Neither of the answers are correct.
Solution: Neither of the answers is correct.

22. Error: She needs to loose weight.
Solution: She needs to lose weight.

23. Error: He laid on the bed.
Solution: He lay on the bed.

24. Error: I will do it by myself.
Solution: I will do it myself.

25. Error: She has less friends than him.
Solution: She has fewer friends than he does.

Some more Grammar errors with their solutions :

Grammar errors with their solutions
iceacademy for Grammar errors with their solutions

26. Error: There are many criterias to consider.
Solution: There are many criteria to consider.

27. Error: She could of called me.
Solution: She could have called me.

28. Error: The news are on at 6 PM.
Solution: The news is on at 6 PM.

29. Error: We should go to their house, its closer.
Solution: We should go to their house, it’s closer.

30. Error: He is one of those who never work hard.
Solution: He is one of those who never works hard.

31. Error: The team has won their game.
Solution: The team has won its game.

32. Error: The reason is because he’s tired.
Solution: The reason is that he’s tired.

33. Error: Each student must bring their own lunch.
Solution: Each student must bring his or her own lunch.

34. Error: We was happy to see them.
Solution: We were happy to see them.

35. Error: He does not knows the answer.
Solution: He does not know the answer.

36. Error: She returned back to the office.
Solution: She returned to the office.

37. Error: The teacher gave us too many homeworks.
Solution: The teacher gave us too much homework.

38. Error: She went to the store and bought apples, oranges, and bananas, etc.
Solution: She went to the store and bought apples, oranges, and bananas.

39. Error: I need to lie down for a while.
Solution: I need to lie down for a while.

40. Error: They was going to the park.
Solution: They were going to the park.

41. Error: He’s the best player of the two.
Solution: He’s the better player of the two.

42. Error: The cake smells deliciously.
Solution: The cake smells delicious.

43. Error: This is the most unique item.
Solution: This is a unique item.

44. Error: She graduated college last year.
Solution: She graduated from college last year.

45. Error: I could care less about his opinion.
Solution: I couldn’t care less about his opinion.

46. Error: The committee has finished their work.
Solution: The committee has finished its work.

47. Error: He’s the best player of the team.
Solution: He’s the best player on the team.

48. Error: She is more prettier than her sister.
Solution: She is prettier than her sister.

49. Error: He speaks good English.
Solution: He speaks English well.

50. Error: Whom do you think will win?
Solution: Who do you think will win?

Grammar errors with their solutions
Grammar errors with their solutions


By familiarizing yourself with these common errors and their corrections, you’ll be better prepared for your HS level exam in government jobs. Good luck!

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